“to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.”
In my opinion, the Runic Divination Ritual is the Xotik/Gothic and Asatru way to become what all humans are - Divine Beings. To transcend the so called Ego and give oneself over to the runic fabric of ToBe by ritually casting the runes is an essential step towards that Divinity. Synchronicity the medium of Divination is paradoxically a needed state of consciousness to develop towards oneness with ToBe and is a result of that oneness with ToBe. When you “cast” the Runes not only are you giving yourself over, to the opportunity to get in touch with ToBe or that Transcendental Reality the way you understand it but you also develop spiritual muscles to prepare yourself for the stages of the Journey towards that Transcendental Reality. --Tiwaz c2008 rr14aee
B = Berkano - No-Thing-ness
E = Ehwaz - Marriage - Synchronicity
Ing = Ing - rebirth

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