Saturday, August 7, 2010


As I was having Dinner at the Pomegranate 420 College 416-921-7557 they had this on d Menu

Mulla Nasruddin was walking Home w some Liver in one hand n a recipe for Liver in d other Hand. All of a sudden a Bird swooped down, grabbed hold of d liver n carried it off in it's Beak.
"Hah! Too bad for U!" cried Mulla
"U may have d Meat but U won't get very far w out d Recipe!"
--Mulla Nasruddin

As a Bird of Prey swooping down on d Meat I am totally ignoring d Alchemical Recipe for Enlightenment. With d Meat in my Beak I may conquer this World but without d Recipe I won't get very far in d Worlds beyond this one. --Tiwaz 20100807TO rr02auu

Osho Mulla Nasruddin Jokes

The myth is that Nasruddin is a fool. The truth is that a fool can be wise at the same time.

The Immortal Mullah Nasruddin Turns 800

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